Kid Scoop News
About Kid Scoop News
Kid Scoop News Louisiana is committed to a vision of ensuring that every child has access to the tools and materials they need to read, write, and participate productively in their community.
Kid Scoop News Louisiana allows children to tap into their natural curiosity and expand their minds while fueling their sense of wonder.
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Kid Scoop News Louisiana currently reaches 25,000 first through fifth graders each month in public schools in the Greater Baton Rouge Area.
Our commitment
Kid Scoop News Louisiana continues to provide elementary-school children innovative and high-interest reading materials designed to encourage independent reading, both in school and at home. The more children read, the better they read. Access to high-interest reading materials drives the motivation to read, which in turn leads to reading achievement in school, and, ultimately, success in life.
Kid Scoop News Louisiana is funded entirely by grants and sponsorships.
All funds flow through the Family Resource Group Foundation.