
Video advertising solutions can help brands tell a story to the desired target audience in real-time, at any time, anywhere in the world.



Brand Awareness: Reach more than 122 million US customers in a single day with YouTube TrueView and Bumper ads, highlighting your message and call to action.

Product Launch: To introduce a new product, you need the right environment and tools. Drive excitement with the power of sight, sound, and motion to capture your customers’ emotions.

Audience Engagement: With 1.7 billion global visitors each month, your customers are coming to YouTube to watch, search, and share videos with friends. Encourage sharing to build long-term engagement.

  • Interest Targeting: Target users based on their behavior and track interests online.
  • Content Targeting: Only interact with a user interested/viewing content relevant to the target customer.
  • Keyword Targeting: How your ads to users based on keywords they’ve searched for.
  • Demographic Targeting: Target a specific age, gender, or household income of the audience you want to reach.
  • Geographic Targeting: Target a user based on their location, available by zip code, city, state, country, and radius.

When To use youTube video

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